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Debt Collection

Solve the frustration of bad and slow debtors by employing clear credit terms, prompt follow up and – where necessary – cost effective legal action.  Dundon Callanan has the systems and the expertise to cost effectively pursue debts, large and small, obtaining judgments, tracing assets and income and obtaining Orders for payments by instalment. [...]

2017-06-01T10:07:23+01:00March 30th, 2017|

Elderly and Vulnerable Clients

The welfare of older and vulnerable people can be a complex area. Who will handle matters if you lose the capacity to manage your own affairs? It may be wise to put an Enduring Power of Attorney in place so that you can decide who will act on your behalf should you lose capacity and what [...]

2017-06-01T10:07:24+01:00March 27th, 2017|


Tax can affect many types of legal transactions and cases whether it be an employment law case, a property transaction, the administration of an estate or the sale of a company or business. Our experienced solicitors will assist you in structuring the matter in the most tax efficient way for you. We can assist [...]

2017-06-01T10:06:35+01:00March 24th, 2017|


Claims under the equality legislation are now dealt with by the Workplace Relations Commission Adjudication Officers.  Whether arising from the workplace (most usually in the context of pay disputes, harassment, pregnancy, dismissal) or outside the workplace (for example, access to housing, education and commercial facilities) Dundon Callanan have both brought and defended such claims [...]

2017-06-01T10:07:23+01:00March 30th, 2017|


We advise charities on all aspects of the running of operations including registering with the Charities Regulator, applying to Revenue for a charitable tax exemption, drafting and amending constitutional documents or trust deeds and dealing with loans from Pobal, local authorities and other agencies. Read our FAQ on Companies Limited by Guarantee under the new [...]

2017-06-01T10:06:35+01:00March 24th, 2017|

Planning Law

We can assist you with all of your planning needs and provide services including Legislative advices Planning applications, appeals, due diligence and warranties Exempted and unauthorised developments Applications for retention permissions Development plans Estate planning Compulsory purchase Protected structures and special areas of architectural preservation Enforcement proceedings, injunctions and litigation including judicial review. [...]

2017-06-01T10:06:35+01:00March 30th, 2017|

Professional and Medical Negligence*

Disputes concerning the performance by professionals of their duties – whether doctors, solicitors, engineers, accountants, etc. – almost always require expert evidence and a high level of proof.  Dundon Callanan frequently deals with such claims and has the necessary contacts in the relevant fields to ensure the vindication of our clients' rights. [...]

2017-06-01T10:07:24+01:00March 27th, 2017|


We act for licensed premises and clubs and societies in respect of all their licensing needs including application for transfers of licences, special exemptions and club authorisations. We also represent individuals who may have an objection to a licensing application. Contact Contact Elisa McMahon [...]

2017-06-07T10:35:33+01:00March 24th, 2017|


It is often necessary to obtain legal advice and make Court applications in cases of the insolvency and liquidation of companies, and the appointment of receivers and examiners.  Dundon Callanan has expertise in this field and we are frequently instructed by accountants, creditors and directors in respect of such applications and advice. [...]

2017-06-01T10:06:35+01:00March 24th, 2017|

Regulatory, Public and EU Law

We have many years experience advising clients on regulatory matters in respect of various different industries including the waste management, planning, education and pharmaceutical industries Contact Contact Glenn Cooper Contact St.John Dundon

2017-06-01T10:06:35+01:00March 24th, 2017|
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